Japanese Documentary Publications / index / Japanese Documentary



1989年 日本ドキュメンタリー映画の黎明
1991年 日本ドキュメンタリー映画の興隆
1993年 日本ドキュメンタリー映画の躍動 1960年代
1995年 日本ドキュメンタリー映画の格闘 1970年代
1997年 日本ドキュメンタリーの模索

今回は、『クリーンセンター訪問記』以降、小川紳介が三里塚 のあと山形県牧野に舞台を移して撮った作品群を皮切りに、その集大成とも言える『1000年刻みの日時計』までを上映。続いて、小川プロダクションで助監督を務めた渡辺孝明、福田克彦、飯塚俊男の独立後の主要作を集めた。さらに、80年代に上映された作品の中で見落とすことのできない『早池峰の賦』『無辜なる海』『ゆきゆきて、神軍』。次に、題名だけは知っていてもなか なか見る機会の少ない『俺たちの生きた時間』『パレスチナ1976−1983』『山谷(やま)―やられたらやりかえせ』『母たち』『怒りのこぶしで涙をぬぐえ』と異色作を集めた。小川紳介と並んで日本のドキュメンタリーをリードした大先輩の土本典昭。その師事を受けて力強い作品を作り続ける若月治、山邨伸貴、小池征人、 西山正啓らの主要作に続き、土本典昭監督の特別講演を予定している。土本監督は、1989年に開かれたティーチイン“アジア の作家は発言する”に出席して以来の参加となり、その講演は今日のドキュメンタリーのあり方を考える上でさまざまな示唆を与えるに違いない。

日本のドキュメンタリー映画において、60年代から70年代は社会的テーマを扱った作品が多かったが、80年代から90年 代にかけ自分自身を描くプライベート・ドキュメンタリーが多く登場するようになった。鈴木志郎康、金井勝ら開拓者の仕事や、様々な個人映画の秀作を上映。恒例になった山根貞男の司会によるシンポジウムも予定している。『奈緒ちゃん』の伊勢真一監督をはじめ、『時が乱吹く』の金井勝監督らを囲み、白熱した論議が展開されるであろう。このほか一般市民向けのプログラムとして、 親子で楽しめる作品、自然をテーマにした作品を集めた。映画的手法を捨て自然を体感する『光りの島』、自然農法を再発見し た新作『自然農』と人間の存在に関わる作品を提示する。この日は丁度日曜日、映画関係者だけでなく、より多くの人々にドキュメンタリー映画の醍醐味をお楽しみいただきたい。最後に、イギリスのBBCが大島渚に依頼して製作した 『KYOTO, MY MOTHER担 PLACE』を特別上映。残念ながら日本では未だ一般上映がなされていないが、関係者によると傑作との評価が高いので楽しみである。

そして今回最大の目玉は、加藤泰監督の『ざ・鬼太鼓座』を本来の磁気4チャンネル・ステレオ音響で再現する試みである。この映 画は、1981年に完成して東京と京都で試写会が持たれた後、諸事情でオクラ入りとなった。その後、いくつかの映画祭などで上 映されてはいるが、私の知るかぎり全てモノラル再生による上映で、加藤泰が目指した画面と音声の大迫力はスクリーン上に再現されていない。私は個人的に加藤泰作品のファンであり、今回 の特集上映にあたり何とか加藤泰が目指したものを山形で再現したいと考えた。丁度今年は加藤泰十三回忌にあたり、ロカルノ 映画祭では監督特集上映もなされたばかりである。小川紳介監督は常々私に、加藤泰監督と映画の話がしたいので機会を作るよう言われていた。『ニッポン国古屋敷村』大阪上映の時、加藤泰監督を案内してご意見を伺ったものの、両監督の対面は実現しなかった。小川紳介は4年後に再び『1000年刻みの日時計』を持って京都に現れたが、この時すでに加藤泰はこの世に亡かった。加藤監督の早過ぎる死を考えるとき、小川監督の希望をなぜ果たし得なかったのかと悔やまれてならない。両監督同志の対面は実現しなかったが、小川監督ゆかりの山形の地 で、各々の映画を対面させることでお許しを乞うものである。



The Pursuit of Japanese Documentary:
The 1980s and Beyond

Beginning with the 1st Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival in 1989, the person who originally suggested holding a retrospective of Japanese documentary was none other than director the late Ogawa Shinsuke. Following his guidance, I have personally selected and screened works taken from the time of film's emergence through to the present day with this year's selection. The list provided below outlines the contents of the Japanese Documentary program thus far.

1989 The Dawn of Japanese Documentaries
From the emergence of film to the end of World War II
1991 The Post-War Flourishing of The Japanese Documentary
From post-war until the 1950s
1993 Japanese Documentaries of the 1960s
1995 Japanese Documentaries of the 1970s
1997 The Pursuit of Japanese Documentary
The 1980s and Beyond

At this year's festival, with the addition of Interview at Clean Center ( " Kurin Senta homonki " 1975), we will be screening Ogawa Shinsuke's work made after the Sanrizuka Series when he moved to Magino in Yamagata Prefecture, culminating with Magino Village-- A Tale ( " 1000 nen kizami no hidokei, " 1986). As a complement to this, we have also gathered the important independently made films of three directors who once worked as assistant directors at Ogawa Productions: Watanabe Takaaki, Fukuda Katsuhiko and Iizuka Toshio. Then, selected from films screened during the 80s, the unforgettable works Ode to Mt. Hayachine ( " Hayachine no fu, " 1982), The Innocent Sea ( " Muko naru umi, " 1983) and The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On ( " Yuki yukite shingun, " 1987). Following those, a selection of unique films, whose titles are quite infamous, but yet which we don't often get the chance to see, The Moments We Lived ( " Oretachi no ikita jikan, " 1982), Palestine 1976-1983 ( " Paresuchina 1976 - 1983, " 1983), Yama-- Attack to Attack ( " Yama--Yararetara yarikaese, " 1985). Mothers ( " Hahatachi, " 1987) and Wiping Away Tears with Fists of Anger ( " Ikari no kobushi de namida o nugue, " 1991). Up there with Ogawa Shinsuke, the director Tsuchimoto Noriaki is one of the leading figures of Japanese documentary. Under his guidance, Wakatsuki Osamu, Yamamura Nobuki, Koike Masato and Nishiyama Masahiro directed many powerful works. In addition to the screening of some of these works, Mr. Tsuchimoto himself will be holding a special presentation. Tsuchimoto also attended The Asia Symposium held at Yamagata in 1989 and, judging from that, this years presentation promises to be a very informative guide to present day documentary.

Whilst in the 1960s and 70s the field of Japanese documentary produced many works themed around social problems, the 1980s and 90s have seen a move towards the portrayal of self in what can be termed as " private documentary. " The splendid works of some of this genre's pioneers, among them Suzuki Shiroyasu and Kanai Katsu, will also be screened. Then, as has become practice, this year's symposium features Yamane Sadao as chair of a group of directors, including Ise Shin'ichi of Nao-chan ( " Nao-chan, " 1995) and Kanai Katsu of Time Blows On ( " Toki ga fubuku, " 1991), for what promises to be a heated discussion. In addition to this, as part of our program directed toward the people of Yamagata City, we have selected a group of films themed on nature and works for family viewing. Doing away with filmic methods, Island of Light ( " Hikari no shima, " 1996) enables one to feel nature, and discovering new methods of natural farming, the recent film Natural Farming ( " Shizen no, " 1997), deals with people's very existence. As these films will be shown on Sunday, we very much hope that not only those connected with film, but also a wide variety of other people, will come and sample the delights of documentary. Finally, we will be holding a special screening of Oshima Nagisa's Kyoto, My Mother's Place (1991), a film made at the request of Scotland's BBC. Unfortunately, although highly acclaimed as a magnificent work, this film has not yet been on general release in Japan. We thus very much look forward to screening it at Yamagata.

The very last treasure in this year's Japanese documentary program is the screening of Kato Tai's The Ondekoza ( " Za Ondekoza " ) in original quadraphonic sound. This film, completed in 1981, was test screened in Tokyo and Kyoto but, for various reasons it was then shut away. Although it has been shown at some film festivals, as far as I know, up until now it has only been screened in mono sound, and so the impressive visual and audio combination that Kato Tai envisaged has never been realized. As a particular fan of Kato Tai's work, I thus wanted to take the opportunity to adhere to his wishes at this special screening in Yamagata. I should also mention that, to mark the thirteenth anniversary of his death, this year the Locarno Film Festival has just held a special director's tribute to Kato Tai.

Ogawa Shinsuke was always saying to me that he'd like me to put together an occasion for him and Kato Tai to discuss film together. Although I consulted Kato Tai when Ogawa's A Japanese Village--Furuyashikimura ( " Nippon koku Furuyashikimura, " 1977) was screened in Osaka, it turned out that we weren't actually able to get the two director's together face to face. Then, by the time Ogawa Shinsuke went to Kyoto four years later with Magino Village--A Tale, Kato Tai had unfortunately already passed away. When I think of Kato Tai's untimely death, I greatly regret that I was never able to realize Ogawa's wishes for a meeting. But, even though these two directors were not able to meet together themselves, at least here, in the Yamagata that Ogawa held so dear, their films can " meet " in their place.

Yasui Yoshio
Japan Documentaries Coordinator


Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee