10月8日 Oct. 8 (Wed.)
小川プロを体験した作家たちAfter Ogawa Productions
Publications / index / Japanese Documentary


The Sound of Tiny Wings



Planning and Support : Group to Film the Korean Red Hairstreak
Planning : Kusakari Koichi
Dirctor : Iizuka Toshio
Photography : Hara Tadashi
Narrator : Nakayama Chinatsu
Location Sound : Asanuma Yukikazu
Editing : Shibuya Nobuko
Titles : Kunori Shigezo
Producers : Aoyagi Noritoshi, Shinryo Katsuo,
Naito Kazuya Production Company : Dentsu Prox Inc.
1992 / Color / 16mm / 50 min

1880年フランス人蝶類研究家オーヴェンチュールによってウラジオストック沖のアスコルド島で発見されたチョウセンアカシジミは、アムールから朝鮮、そして日本では岩手、新潟、そして山形県にも生息していることで知られている。トリネコという木に産卵するためトリネコの生態とも深く関わり、山形県川西市に生息する種の特徴は人里に住むことであることが明らかになる。飯塚は一軒の農家を借り「小川プロ方式」でチョウセンアカシジミを育てながら、雪解けの3月の孵化から成長し飛び立ち、そして7月の産卵期までを、山形県川西町を中心にその生態を追う。自然の中の蝶の姿をそのまま捉えながら、水路の改修工事による生息地の危機と市民によるその保護区における観察状況、そしてその水路の歴史を江戸時代まで遡ることで、川西市で人里に住む蝶となった歴史も解明する。飯塚は三里塚以前から小川プロに関わり、製作を経て、牧野村に移ってからは演出助手を務めた。第一回山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭を記録した『映画の都・山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭’89』を最初の演出に、本作が小川プロ独立後の第一作となった。 First discovered in 1880 by the French researcher, Auventure, on the island of Askold, off Vladivostok, the range of the Korean red hairstreak butterfly is known to stretch from the Amur river across North Korea and into the Japanese prefectures of Iwate, Niigata, and Yamagata. Usually it lays its eggs on the torineko tree and thus is restricted to the areas where that tree grows. However, the type of Red Hairstreak that lives in Kawanishi City in Yamagata prefecture has been found to live in people's houses. Iizuka, using the " Ogawa Productions method, " documented the mode of life of the Korean red hairstreak butterflies that he raised: from their emergence from willow leaves in March, through to the egg laying season in July. He focuses on portraying the butterfly in its natural surroundings: showing us the dangers posed to its habitat by the annual cleaning of the irrigation channels, and the measures taken by the villagers to protect the butterfly. He also traces the history of the irrigation channels back to the Edo period, thereby clarifying the process by which these butterflies came to live in people's houses. Iizuka has been connected to Ogawa Productions since before the Sanrizuka films, first as a producer and then, after moving to Magino, as an assistant director. Having made his directorial debut with the official documentary of the first Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, A Movie Capital (1991), this film is the first piece Iizuka has made after leaving Ogawa Productions.


Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee