From the YIDFF Office

2017-01-26 | New Year’s Greetings from YIDFF

Three weeks into the new year! The film festival team here in Yamagata is now seriously gearing up for October, feverishly discussing the programming and special events for the upcoming biennial event.

At our door daily is the postman who delivers entries from around the world—the documentaries applying to our International Competition and New Asian Currents programs. What diversity they display! The world today, the lives and emotions of the people who live there, by filmmakers who dare to experiment with new cinematic methods and approaches . . . The film festival audience will only get to see a handful from this great pool of entries, but we promise that the lineup will be chosen through heated debate among selection committee members with determination and commitment. The International Competition lineup shall be announced in the end of June, and New Asian Currents in the end of July.

YIDFF 2017 will take place Oct. 5 to 12. The festival team is putting its all into making it a fruitful meeting place for films and people. The NPO Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival asks for your support through membership. In order to sustain the YIDFF and its activities, we are open to donations as well.
* For inquiry about support for YIDFF, please send an email to: info@yidff.jp.

Kusakabe Katsuyoshi (YIDFF Yamagata Office)