
Yamagata Rough Cut!

October 11–12

A rough cut is footage not yet polished into a complete work—a fragment violently torn from the immediate gaze of an individual. Yamagata: Rough Cut! will present an online screening of four videos (rough cuts) from lmmakers living or born in Asia, including Japan, as well as a dialogue with creators and participants.

This program will be a special chance to participate in the language and images born of film, with a focus on sharing and dialogue. is year’s event will explore the rules of sharing and dialogue unique to an online festival. Please join us for a conversation that will take everyone—filmmakers, critics, researchers and spectators—beyond their individual role in the film festival.

* The aim of this program is not competition.
* Registration required prior to event.

Rough Cut Online Screenings and Discussion

Fukushima Keisou Nikki  Dir: Suzuki Hikaru (JAPAN)  Oct. 11 10:30–12:30

Love Letter to “Mamie”  Dir: Osamura Hikari (JAPAN, FRANCE)  Oct. 11 14:00–16:00

Tegrol: Tracing a Song to its Keepers in a Sacred Mountain  Dir: Bagane Fiola (THE PHILIPPINES)  Oct. 12 10:30–12:30

To Die A Frenchman  Dir: Pankaj Rishi Kumar (INDIA)  Oct. 12 14:00–16:00